Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Reflections: Looking Back

The first half of this semester has flown by with rapid pace and I am excited that it is coming to an end. This semester has been one of the most difficult for me, but I am so close to graduating that I cannot help but push through. 

Writing: Indian Epics has not only been a pleasure to read, but a therapeutic getaway retreat from my other super boring classes. The half of the semester I have been really excited for some of my favorite stories I have ever written (see below). In this class I feel like I am free to create and imagine up anything I can think. I have been inspired by the stories we have read and by the stories of other students. I think one of the greatest things about this class is the ability to interact with other students without having to feel like you are critiquing them too hard. This class puts everyone onto an equal playing field. 

Here is a short list of some of my favorite writings this semester: 
James the Unfortunate Sewer Creature - Storytelling Week 2
No Title - Storytelling Week 3 Where I was able to write about archaeology!

Reading: My favorite readings so far have been on the Ramayana. I love the characters of the story and the overall plot. It was easy to follow and was a great story. I think the character Rama made a really big impression on me as well as Bhima from the Mahabharata. These characters play really strong roles in their stories and it seems like no matter what happened to them they would be back on their feet and helping their families! Throughout the class I have learned that 1. I procrastinate like no-ones business. and 2. that I enjoy reading. It has been a long time since I was able to sit down and just read without being hypercritical of the contextualization of an article or other reading material. I love mythology and reading stories!

Interactions: This class has been wonderful working with my time. As a student who is both full time and working part-time (30 hours) I am very happy that I have the opportunity to take online classes to help free up time during the day. I think I am doing pretty good in this class. I get all of the requirements done before they are due, but I know I could do better. I am hoping the second part of the semester I am able to work ahead.
Image Information: Me All The Time
Time: I do not have a scheduled time to work on this course. I mainly do it at night, but I sometimes work on it in the mornings if something is due by noon that day. I almost never work on it during the “normal” 8-5pm hours. I also don’t not set chunks of time aside. I will normally do this course one requirement at a time and I find that it is manageable for me. Reading A will be done Sunday, reading B Monday and so on. This structuring of time is more like a 5 day a week class, but I structure it to be a Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Saturday, Sunday class. I find I am normally to busy on Thursday or Friday to do this online course. My schedule however is irregular and almost never consistent. My main goal is to get work done before it is due, and in this I have succeeded.

Location: study at home. It is where I am most comfortable. I can also do it at Starbucks, but I prefer home.


  1. Hi Christian!
    I had a little bit of a hard time reading the font. It was grey font on a grey background. I had to highlight it to read it. Just letting you know! :D

    I agree with you on the readings as well! This course is such a refreshing break from reading that I have to do in other classes. I have also learned that I am a huge procrastinator. And that makes it even worse with my work schedule and work load. I was doing something similar to you, in terms of getting work done. I would sometimes barely make it on time.
    Here's to a better last half of the semester though! :]

  2. Hi, Christian! :)

    As an echo to what Pita said, I had a little difficulty reading your text, so you might experiment with a change of color in the coming weeks!

    Like you, I have really enjoyed the freedom of making my own class schedule this semester with other commitments going on at random times. I also have a tendency to do one project at a time at night, but I really liked your idea of allowing yourself the one weekday to really take a step back. I will have to work that into my schedule too! :)
