Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Storytelling Week 6: Departing with Smiles

The great war of the worlds three had finally come to the end. King Andrew had successfully defeated his foes in an attempt to rescue the people he cared for most. When order was finally restored to the Kingdom of Bombay, King Andrew returned to his hometown shining with newly gained metals of honor and pins of gratitude. Months passed by and King Andrew took to his normal daily routines including, taking care of his dog, washing his horses and running his farm.

Lord Andrews partner passed away during the war from congestive heart failure. King Andrew, a kind and good ruler, felt that he could no longer run the Kingdom of Bombay efficiently for his subjects. With a heavy heart he began planning how he would leave the kingdom. He wanted to leave it in the hands of someone who would be better suited to keep his subjects as happy as possible. It took many months of preparation to completely execute his plan.

Yudhishthira’s Journey in Afterlife
First, he purchased a small cottage between a quaint lake and a dense forest. He decided that is where he want to live out the rest of his life. Second, he thought whom he would have as heir to his throne. He did not have any living relatives, nor did he have any deserving friends. Instead he held a public competition to find the most fair person in his kingdom. A young lad by the name of Timothy won the competition and was announced as heir to the throne. The next day, King Andrew faked his death as a tragic riding accident and slipped away into the woods without anyone to notice. King Timothy did a wondrous job in the Kingdom of Bombay. When the old King became curious he would put on tattered clothing and go to the capital city. there he would look upon his former kingdom with happiness, he knew he had done what was best for his people.

Authors Note: This story was based on the Mahabharata Public Domain Edition - The Pandavas Depart. After winning the war between foes Karna and Duryodhana, the Pandavas brothers and Draupadi were told by a sage that their time to rule the kingdom was over. The kingdom was divided among various people who helped in the army and they were counseled on how to live peacefully. The Pandavas brother then cast off their royal garments and walked into the forest never to be seen again. They all died slowly and the Kingdom was left in peace.

Reading Diary B Week 6: Mahabharata

Yudhishthira and the Dog
For reading diary B of Week 6 I continued reading the Public Domain Edition of the Mahabharata. I found the overall ending of this story to be very interesting. As the war between Kauravas with a million soldiers and the Pandavas brother I was not sure what the outcome would be. Yudhishthria attempts to keep peace between the two sides, but he cannot contain them. After the war the Pandavas brother win with the help of Krishna, who dies sadly :(!  Out of respect for everyone that dies, the Pandavas brothers buried all of the men for religious reasons.  Yudisthara and the other brothers including Draupadi leave the kingdom and leave their jewels and clothes.

Monday, September 28, 2015

Week 6 Reading Diary A: Mahabharata PDE

Public Domain Edition of Mahabharata

This week I am continuing to read the Mahabharata Public Domain Edition. Readings 41-60.

Hanuman Statue
The Pandava brothers and Draupadi wander into the forest. They complain about how they lost their kingdom. They live on fruits and roots and face many perils in the woods such as reptiles and wild animals. A brahmin advised the brothers to call upon the sun god. The Pandavas lived in the woods for 12 years! They set aside some food for holy men and the rest for them. All the brothers would faint and Bhima would carry them all on his back and his arms. Krishna visits the Pandavas in the forest. Drapadi exclaims to Krishna that her husbands did not lift a finger to save her from Duryodhana who claimed her as a slave. Krishna comforts her and says that he will help the Pandava brothers and make Draupadi a queen again. Drapadi is mad at Yudhishthira for making her poor. He laments and tells her to forgive. Bhima is also mad at his brother and ask him to go to war, but he refuses and remain to his vow of exile. Arjuna ventures on his own to gather weapons needed by his brothers for the end of their exile. Arjuna went to see his father, Indra, and battled demons. Upon winning Arjuna’s father gave him gold, a diadem and a war shell that sounded like thunder. Draupadi and the Pandavas brother continue toward the Himalayas and are finally rejoined by their brother Arjuna. Hanuman, from Ramayana, meet up with the Pandava brothers and his half brother Bhima. Hanuman explained the four caste to them.

Duryhodina wanted to spy on Draupadi and the Pandavas brothers, but celestial spirits blocked him from doing so. Indra, attempts to protect his son Arjuna from Karna. Karna, born with celestial earrings that provided invincibility were a problem, so Indra stole them, but Karna was given in return a powerful dart that would kill one enemy.

Jayadrauhta stole Draupadi while the boys were hunting. But Bhima quickly beats the enemy and returns her to him. Famous Lakes Riddle Scene. During the last year of exile, the brothers and Draupadi must conceal themselves from the king. They do so by taking up medial task in the kingdom. Brother of the queen attempts to rape Draupadi, but she is rescued by her husband Bhima. Although not publicly. The other brothers cannot expose themselves. Duryodhana went to steal cows from Kind Virata, but the Pandavas brothers step into save the king. War is upon the pandas brothers, but Krishna attempts to settle the dispute, but it was unsuccessful. With the exile over the brothers go to was with Krishna by their side. Karna, (57) finally found out that the pandas brothers were his brothers. He struggles with this reality. An intense battle takes place. Either on Duryohana’s side or the Pandavas brothers side. Arjuna, on the battle field sees his brothers and relatives on the other side and doesn’t want to fight them, but Krishna persuades him to fight. The war begins and Bhishma warns Duryodhana of the doom. Ignored he goes on to lose the war.

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Thoughts About Comments

Helpful - Generally, I think people have a difficult time leaving constructive feedback. Why... well to give a good constructive feedback requires a lot of brainpower and CPU processing of what you have just read. It would be helpful if you could force people to give back more constructive feed back. This of course is something that I also have trouble with. It is not only the lack of wanting to do it. I also sometimes feel that I might be hurting someone’s feelings I do not want to enforce my view on someone. It is their story and I feel that many people put a lot of thought and work into it.

Engaging and Helpful - I love to hear what someone else thought about this particular reading. Why did you like this part/ what did you not like? Let me know in the comments, I enjoy reading this.

A good comment engages the reader (by starting out with something you liked) and then analyzes the story and then provides positive and helpful feedback and closes with a general nice comment, like great job!

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Tech Tip: How to create a new page on your Tumblr blog

HOW TO ADD A PAGE TO TUMBLR: 5 Easy Steps with Pictures!

1. Go to your Tumblr blog’s homepage

2. Click “Edit Theme” in the upper right corner

3. Scroll to the bottom of the “Edit Theme” section until you see the (+ Add a page) section

4. Once you have clicked the (+Add a page) section you will need to enter your page information including a modified URL address, a page title, and page text. This can all be edited at any time. 

5. Save and Exit the “Edit Theme”. All Done!

Week 5 Storytelling: The Fight for the Win

Once upon a time, in a city far far away lived a family in the low socioeconomic income bracket. The family was made up of three brother, two sisters and a mother. The mother grew up in the streets as a beggar and she has lived with chronic health problems her whole life. Her children were all young, except for Anastasia who was thirteen. Anastasia, like most teenagers, was very temperamental, but she loved her family and helped take care of her brothers and sister. One day after coming home from school Anastasia ran to her room she shared with her mother and sister and cried.

“What is wrong my dear?”, her mother questioned.

“Nothing mom... you wouldn’t understand.”, she responded with sobbing eyes.

Anastasia was troubled at school by a great bully. Her bully was an older girl in school who always picked on Anastasia for her used clothes and un-kept hair. Anastasia began to grow courage throughout the year, but she still found the bully hard to deal with. Life went on and the school year was coming to an end. It was the last week of school and Anastasia’s bully again began to pick on her.

Looking directly at Anastasia the bully says, “Someone needs a bath!”

“Leave me alone.” Anastasia pleads.

“I think you need to be taught a lesson in talking back.” She spat at Anastasia.
The Bully and The Girl

Anastasia’s expression changed, “I’m not scared of you!”, she shouted. “I am not afraid.”

The Bully advanced towards Anastasia. An Anastasia trembled ever so slightly. She was tired of running away. The bully continued toward Anastasia, but when she was mere steps away from Anastasia she quickly stopped in her tracks. All of the students were now circled around the girls. Behind Anastasia, her sister and brothers popped out of the crowd. Small though they were, the siblings moved in front of their big sister. The bully now trembled nervously in her new shoes. She decided it was not worth the fight to deal with the siblings. The family had won. Anastasia learned that she did not have to face her problems by herself, because she always had her family.

Author’s Note: Story 1: Hidimba Story 2: Bhima and Hidimba

For this storytelling post I decided to retell the story of Bhima and Hidimba in my own words. In the original stories (linked above) the Pandava brothers and their mother Kunti were living in the forest after their escaped from the burning house. The group was very tired for their travel and decided to find a place to sleep, while Bhima kept watch. Living in the forest was a very fierce rakshasa, named Hidimba. "He was described as a terrible and grim monster. His eyes were red, and he was red-haired and red-bearded; his cheeks were of cloud color and his mouth was large, with long, sharp-pointed teeth (Hidimba).” The monster was very hungry that night and smelled the delicious food of the Randava brothers. Hidimba ordered his sister to go and bring the Pandava brothers and bring them to him. The rakshasa women instantly fell in love with Bhima and she decides she does not want to kill the handsome man, Bhima. The rakshsas women transformed herself into a beautiful women and warned Bhima and the brothers of the rakshsas’s plan to kill them. When she told Bhima of the plan he said that he was not scared of Hidimba and he soon fought Hidimba. They wrestled violently and Bhima dragged Hidimba into the forest and killed him. The sister of Hidimba, still in love with Bhima weds him and she made him very happy.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Reading Diary B Week 5: PDE Mahabharata

This week I am reading the Public Domain Edition of the Mahabharata! It is a lot like the Ramayana, but the stories are different. I am definitely getting a “vibe” similar to the Ramayana in these stories.

Vidura guess the plot of Duryodhana. He warned his mothers and brothers about the King and Duryodhana’s plan and so the Pandavas dug a path under the palace and into the forest outside. When the passage was finished being dug, the palace was set on fire. A poor women and her five children came that night to beg for food and were killed in the fire. She was a low-caste woman and their bodies that were burned were thought to be the Pandavas and their mother. The King and Duryodhana rejoiced because they thought they had killed the Pandavas.
Bhima Kills Hidimba

Bhima and the Monster
The Pandavas went south. Bhima, with celestial powers, was able to carry all of the Pandavas safely to a new place. Bhima fought rakshasa Hidimba. He was a very large and stocky rakshsas. The sister of Hidimba transformed into a beautiful women and quickly fell in love with Bhima. The women told Bhima of Hidimba’s plan to kill them. The Hidimba went forth to kill everyone, but Bhima did not fear him. The fight was like elephants because it was so fierce. Bhima broke the rakshasa’s back. Bhima had won and Hidimba ask Bhima’s mother to allow Bhima to wed her. As so they wed. The women made Bhima very happy. She became a mother to Bhima’s child. Their son’s name was Ghatotkacha. The queen and her sons, minus Bhima, traveled south. They entered a town that was protected by a beast and the beast needed tribute every night including rice, ox and two people. Bhima appeared and decided to fight the beast that wanted to kill the towns peoples. Bhima made it to the cave and started eating his food, this infuriate Baka and Bhima then rid the forest of the monster.

There was a competition to strike a bow and hot the eye of a golden fish to win a beautiful bride. Many people were there to try to win the beauty, but it was Arjuna that won the bride after hitting the golden fish! Arjuna and his brothers went to the palace to collect his bride. Draupadi was to be shared by all five brothers as the wife of the brothers. Draupadi became the bride of all brothers. Krishna and others gave gold and jewels to the Pandava brothers for their marriage.

When Duryodhana found out that the Pandrava brothers were still alive and had married the beautiful women he became very jealous. The Pandrava brothers with their new wife and their mother traveled to a new country set up for them. The gathered the people who were subject to them and they created a great city called Indraprastha. The brothers set a pact that if one of the brothers were with their wife then the other brother could not come into the room with them. Arjuna accidentally walked in while his wife was with one of her other husbands/ his brother. He was exiled for 12 years for breaking the pact. Arjuna decided to swim in a river plagued by man eating alligators, he was attacked midway through the river and he wrestled it to the river bank. The alligator tuned into a woman and she explained why she was there. Her name was Ulupi. She was cursed by a magic person and transformed into an alligator only to be saved when a warrior dragged them ashore. Prince Arjuna went to a raja. His daughter was wed to Arjuna and they had a son.

Khrishna and his sister visited the Pandrava’s. Agni wanted to consume a forest and ask Arjuna and Khrishnas help and they agreed if he would give them celestial weapon. When they burned the forest only 6 animals survived. Maya was grateful to Arjuna for saving him for the forest fire. he promised to build a palace for the Pandavas! Duryodhana was made fun of by the Pandravas in the Maya’s palace. The Pandravas were becoming more and more powerful.

Jarasandha was a king of a foreign capital. Krishna, Arjuda and Bhima killed the king when he refused to release the rhajas that he had captured in battle. Duryodhana became very very very jealous. He used a gambler to hold a great festival with the Pandava brothers and their wife and mother. The king ordered the festival and the brothers came. They all competed in a gambling match and lost everything because the game was fixed. Duryodhana forced The brothers wife to become a house maiden, which was objected! Queen Drupadi is very mad about the unfair slavery! She prayed for help, but she herd no response. She prayed again to Krishna. He herd her and multiplied her clothing so that she would not be naked. Bhima became angered by the situation and looked at Karna very upset. He looked at his brother and blamed him for what had happened to the family. Duryodhana mocked the Pandava at loosing everything. Unable to restrain his anger they vowed to never reach heaven if they do not defeat Duryodhana. A powerful maharajah, kind to drupadi, was given three wishes. She asked for her husbands to be set free and he granted the wish. The captors were angry because the pandava brothers would kill them. Instead, the captors again set up a game to trap the pandava brothers. They were exiled for twelve year and another year following that.

Reading Diary Week 5: PDE Mahabharata

I am getting started on this project a little late, but here we go!

Bishma Abducts Three Princesses
The other two princesses had many sons, but they had defects. Blindness, Humble Birth and the Pale one. When it was time to select a king Pandu, the pale one was chosen. King Pandu, was a mighty monarch and just warrior. He had two wives. One of the wives became the mother of Karna who had celestial powers. The father was not the king and so she sent the baby onto the river in a wicker basket. She had a very said epilogue about the baby. The child was kept alive by the celestial powers he had. He was found by a husband and wife, whom were cursed to never have their own sons. She adopted the baby and Karna became a powerful youth and bowman. Pandu accidentally shot a sage and he was then cursed by the sage and foretold that he would die in the arms of one of his wives. Panda had no sons of his own, instead his children were fathered by gods. When Pandu died the wives fought over who she be killed with him on the funeral pire. Madrid, the second wife, was chosen to die with her husband Kind Pandu.
Bishma fights Nagas
The eldest son of Dhritarashtra, Duryodhana was born with bad omens and many told his father to caste him out so that they can save the village and the world from this bad omen. Duryodhana begins a plot to poison his cousins. Bhima was poisoned and thrown into the Ganges where the snakes poisoned counteracted his poison and he awoke in the Nagas underworld. Bisma’s brothers urged him not to tell his cousin what had happened.
Drona was set out to train Duryodhana’s cousins as warriors. A short story about way the tribes draw bows with their middle fingers instead of their thumbs. Bhima and Duryodhana engage in a play fight that turns into a more serious fight. Karma appears with his celestial earnings and wants to fight his brother that he did not know, Arjuna. Even though Karna is of lower caste. Weather events take place and both hero were praised. The mother of both children was upset because she knew one of her children would die. Karma was made king of Anga. Now skilled warriors the Pandavas attacked many different foes. With each success of the Pandavas, Duryodhana becomes more and more filled with hatred. The evil prince comes up with a plan to kill the Pandavas. The would build a wooden palace and soak it in oil. He would the set the palace on fire and kill all of the Pandavas.

We first meet Devavrata. He is both a human and also posses god like powers. He got these powers because the mother of eight children caste each of the into the Ganges river, except for Devavrata. The king decided to say something to the goddess to save this last child and so Devavrata was human, but also had powers. King Shantunu finds a fishing maiden. The maiden was found inside a fish, she was rescued by her father. We learn the fish maiden’s son is Vyasa. Although the king wanted to be with the maiden, he could not have her because he would betray Ganga. Devavrata, denounces his claim to the thrown if the fish maiden has a boy. Devavrata is now called Bhishma.

Bishma steals the of the princesses meant for the King. Bishma intended to wed the wives. Amba the eldest princess when back to the king and offered he love, but he rejects her and she, humiliated, discovers that Bisma is to blame for her trouble. Amba fast for months and no longer cares about her looks, she only wishes for the defeat of Bishma. Shiva, a god, promises that Amba will have a child that will defeat Bishma. She sets herself on fire and chants for the destruction of Bishma, she sets herself on fire! So that I may obtain a new body to destroy him.

Monday, September 21, 2015

Week 4 Review: Backup & Review

September 21 Course Announcement

I chose the post about Defiantly Vs. Definitely. I literally use the word definitely all of the time and it the most frustrating thing to miss type this word. I almost always fumble up over this word and I am forced to stop my sentence thinking and focus on correction the word. Thankfully we have auto correct :) Defiantly Using Definitely

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Reading Feedback: Week 4

Sita Sings the Blues: By Nina Paley
I chose to watch Sita Sings the Blues because I was extremely busy this week and I wanted to do the reading that was fun. I am tired and I am bogged down with work. I was very happy to have the option to watch a youtube video, and it was a great YouTube video at that so I am very happy with my decision. The entire video was very educational and fun! I like that the video was laid back, with a dialogue of people talking back and forth. The inclusion of 1920’s songs really helped understand the background to much of the story of the Ramayana. When I read the Public Domain version of the Ramayana, which I also really enjoyed, I got the major points from the story, but I think that this video really cemented the story for me. I would say that I spent less time on this reading assignment than I did in weeks 2 and 3.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Storytelling Week 4: Strong Women

"I'm so cold and lost." Jessica weeped. She thought to herself if only she hadn't left Jimmy's side she wouldn't be in this mess.

On the evening of December 24th, Jessica and her fiancé Jimmy were headed to the grocery store to pick-up a Christmas ham. Jessica, not wanting to face the bitter cold, waited in their worn-down suburban as her husband braved the night to retrieve the ham. Sitting in the lonely lit parking lot Jessica power locked the doors. She felt unnerving to be alone.

The next thing Jessica remembers is waking up in a speeding white van with three large men surrounding her. Kicking and screaming for her husband and her life Jessica did not understand what was happening. She had been kidnapped! Snatched right out of her own car, while her husband was inside grocery shopping. For thirty days and thirty nights Jimmy search for his wife. He put her image on every street corner and every television station. Everyone told Jimmy to give up, she was gone.

On the thirty-first day Jessica escaped from her captors and ran screaming for help. She found herself in the arms of warm and loving people who quickly notified authorities. "We've seen you on T.V. you know?" They said, "your husband is all over the news search for you." Jessica's heart swelled with hope. During her imprisonment she never once doubted her husband had sought after her. She prayed to him, that she would return to him and now it looked as though everything would work out!

Jessica was taken to the Police Headquarters and given warm blankets and hot coffee. A young police woman took her into her office and questioned her about the circumstance. The questions started very informatively. "Where were you abducted? How many people were in the van?" The policewoman asked. Jessica supplied the best answers she could, but her memory was weak from the whole experience. Not satisfied with her answers, the policewoman started pressing harder for answers, "Why did you not fight harder? Why did you let this happen?" Perplexed Jessica began to cry, why was she being treated this way! They are making it seem like it is her fault!

Mother and Twins Monument (Saunders 1857)
By the time Jimmy arrived to the station Jessica was drenched in tears. Her hair was frazzled and her eyes were bloodshot. When she saw Jimmy she was instantaneously relieved. Her tears dried and they embraced each other for what felt like a lifetime. Jessica and Jimmy returned home and tried not to talk about what had happened. Six months after her initial abduction Jessica, not feeling well, went to her physician. After testing the doctor reported that Jessica was pregnant with twins! Jessica was so happy her and her fiancé were going to have children, but the smiling face was cast aside when Jessica realized that her child could also be that of her captors. When Jimmy discovered his future wife's possible infidelity he was reluctant to accept her back into his life. He would eventually cast her onto the streets before she could further disgrace his families name.

"I'm so cold and lost." Jessica weeped. She thought to herself if only she hadn't left Jimmy's side she wouldn't be in this mess.

Author's Note:
My story was based on a series of Ramayana episodes. Once Sita is rescued from Lanka she is accused of consorting with Ravana, her captor. Even though we as the audience know that she kept her purity, Rama cannot be certain. When they return to Ahyodiah and Rama becomes king he quickly rids himself of Sita, because Rama's subjects think that she is impure and thus they do not respect him. Rama chooses to gain public approval rather than be by his wife's side. When I was writing my story I kept this anger inside. I was very angry at Rama for the decision he made. He basically ruined Sita's life and all the while she kept praising him. I wanted the story I wrote to reflect a modern version of the Ramayana. In my version, Jessica (Sita) was captured and her captors were not as nice as Ravana. They did not ask for Jessica's permission to have sexual intercourse with her. I think the Ramayana is strange in that the character Ravana is a evil character, but he does not do many evil things (other than steal Sita and lock her away). When Jessica returns home she is battered by questions from the police and from her husband and soon she finds herself without anyone. I hope Jessica will not continue to praise Jimmy... he is an ass. Instead, I hope that Jessica can find her own way and raise two children that will be better than their father was. Again, we see this strange thing in the Ramayana where Sita continues to praise the man who banished her and sent her to the forest... pregnant!

Sita Sings the Blues by Nina Paley. Question Copyright.Public Domain Version http://www.sitasingstheblues.com/

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Week 4 Reading Diary B: Sita Sings the Blues

       Rama and Sita return to Ahoadya via flying chariot because Rama’s 14 year sentence is up. While he was away his father, the king, has passed away. Rama is now king! Sita announces that she is pregnant by Rama! Rama hears that his subjects do not respect him because of his wife’s reputation; so Rama banishes Sita to the forest, even though she is pregnent! Rama has to make the tough decision. Does he want to keep his word to the public and his father or does he want to keep Sita. In the end he decides to keep his word to his father and the public. Sita, of course, is super upset and confused about his decision. She is dumped on the side of the river in the forest. Sita thinks that she perhaps committed a terrible sin in a previous life and due to karma is paying for it now! Sita has her pregnancy in the forest with the help of medicine men. Sita has two boys who grew up in the forest and learn how to praise Rama. I like the song sang at 1:05:00 about praising Rama, this could be a fun parody.
Sita Prays for Rama Everyday
        Sita praises Rama everyday, even though he treated he wrongly. She unconditionally loves him and waits for him. She hopes that he will come back to her. Rama is in the forest and hears his two sons singing. He invites them back to the kingdom. Rama says that Sita must prove her purity again and she does this by telling mother earth to take her back if she has ever been impure. Funnily enough, Sita is still in love with Rama after all he has done to her. She continues to profess her love. She is swallow by mother earth!

Week 4 Reading Diary A: Sita Sings the Blues

For this weeks readings I chose to watch the film on Youtube: Sita Sings the Blues!

I thought this would be a really cool option for a reading diary and will provide me with an entertaining way to reread/ watch the Ramayana epic!

The first five minutes or so of the story is not story based, but it does have really cool sitar intro music! At the five minute mark the story starts in the modern city of San Francisco, but it quickly transitions to India’s past. The video is actually pretty entertaining as the characters start to recount when the story takes place. I have noticed already some differences in spelling between the public domain version of the Ramayana that I previously read and this version. One of the kings wives, who nursed the king, asked him to send Rama away to the forest for 14 years, instead of crowning him king! Sita went with Rama, against his will. Rama btw is the reincarnation of the god vishnu, which is not mentioned in this version of the Ramayana. Sita is singing the blues as her and Rama go into the forest together! This is great! Rama is seen protecting Sita with his bow and powerful muscles killing all types of demons in the forest.
Sita ask Rama to get her the Golden Deer

Ravana is the king of Lanka, and steals Sita away from Rama. However, besides this he seems to be an upstanding member of society. Ravana falls in love with Sita and against the advice of Marchita he decides to steal her anyways. Of course he succeeds in capturing her all the while she confesses her love to Rama. Hanuman, monkey warrior, helps Rama find Sita. He finds her on the island of Lanka. Ravana confesses his love to Sita, but she does not reflect his love with her. She says so is devoted to Rama and Ravana says his raksishas with cook her for breakfast! Hanuman hides and wait for nightfall to rescue Sita. Hanuman sets fire to all of Lanka and then returns to Rama to explain he had found Sita.

Rama and Hanuman assemble and army to attack Lanka/ Ravana. Rama kills Ravanas demon army... yay! When Rama finally found Sita he was very cold towards her. He is not nice to her because she had been in another mans house. Rama suspects Sita of sleeping with Ravana. Sita cannot bare to live without Rama, even though she knows she has done nothing wrong. Sita goes through a trail by fire and Rama was then convinced she was pure. They then make-up and are still in love with each other.

End of Part One of Sita Sings the Blues ends at 44:28

Week 3 Review

This weeks course announcements I like the graphic and english proverb below. The proverb is, “One loose pebble can start a landslide.” I really love this proverb because I think it can relate to life in may ways. Not only can a landslide be seen as a destructive force, but it can also be a really creative force. In nature landslides destroy mountain sides and pretty much everything in its path, but landslides and also create new fertile soil for new plants to grow in. This week has been challenging for me and I think I see this quote as a source of inspiration. If I don’t make sure all of my pebbles are in place, then I could see a devastating landslide. Next week I am going on an archaeological dig in southern Oklahoma. To do this I am having to work ahead in all of my courses and try to finish up some major work before I leave town with no internet access. It has been challenging and I am currently, frantically, attempting to cement all of my pebbles down before the whole mountain comes crumbling on top of me!

Wiki Mountain Image

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Styles Brainstorming: Karma and Social Media

My storybook will be about how the personified character version of Karma would be like. For  this storybook I would like my goal to be to choose a story from four different sources dealing with some main characters. From my readings so far I would like to use the story of Ravana and Sita. I think the episodes involving this story will make a great Karma story as Ravana “gets what he deserves”. Another story I would like to use is Indrajit from Public Domain Editions Ramayana. I think this story would be interesting from Karma’s perspective because the actions of Rama may have led to him being saved by Garuda.
(Ravana, Sita, and Jatayu)
Because I am using Karma as my character I do not think I will have trouble finding stories to use, in fact, I think I am going to have more trouble on deciding which stories I would prefer, which may take some thought. My main criteria for choosing stories will be stories that have an already strong Karma presence. This could include stories which feature a character with ill-will or bad intentions or maybe a story where someone is making a very difficult decision.

1. Ravana and Sita, from Public Domain Editions Ramayana, by Romesh Dutt (1899). 
2. Indrajit, from Public Domain Editions Ramayana, by Romesh Dutt (1899).

Possible Styles:

First-Person Storytelling: I like the idea of using this style because it would make the character Karma, an actual present character. By using the first-person storytelling style I would be able to access Karma’s inner thoughts and dialogues which would be great for the social media component  of this story. With this style of storytelling I would be able to really delve into Karma’s thoughts and understand why “it” is making the decisions the way it does. 

Courtroom Style: I think this style would be great for Karma. May people view Karma as a cosmic justice type entity. Maybe I could set up Karma as a judge and the plaintiff and defendant as characters from which every story I am retelling. I am very excited about this style. 

Blogging/ Social Media Style: For this style I would like to incorporate the Diary of Karma with Karma’s Social Medias. I think this would be great to get the real emotion behind Karma and its decisions. I like the idea of a blown platform to convey the ideas of Karma. I think this story telling style would take some work to make it “look” nice online. I would have to figure out how to set up fake social medias and other accounts, but it could be successful. 

Bedtime Stories: I like the idea of a bedtime Karma story. Something you could tell your children, a life lesson, that would help them fall asleep, but also be a really good read. I think this could make some really excellent Karma stories! 

In addition, I like this storybook!

Friday, September 4, 2015

Curation: Week 2

This week I used some interesting web pages and other sources for this weeks course #OU4993

The first source for this weeks curation came from a YouTube channel that I found called East India Comedy! This YouTube channel is comical, but also informing! Check it out!

My second this I would like to share with you are some interesting protest occurring in India this week. This web article from the BBC titled 'India's unusual protests: Pink underwear, poop and snakes will probably get you interested. It is an informative read about the current affairs in India at the moment. 

Lastly, I would like to share with you all a quote I found this week about Gay rights in India. This Huffington Post online article reference the fact that maybe India is not ready as a society to legalize gay marriage. While the US jumps ahead on the evolution of social ideas, we cannot forget the multitudes of gay, lesbian, bisexual and trans people who do not have it so lucky. 
"We as a society are simply, if not regrettably, far from ready to legalise gay marriage."

Incase you are interested: Blog Post: Week 2

This week I have been doing a lot of research on many things including graduate schools, music culture and archaeological research for a paper I am currently working on. I am writing a curation post about the three things I have seen this week online that I would like to share with you all!

1. I want to share a website called CoDA, Center for Digital Archaeology. During my field school last summer I worked with this company as they developed 3-D imaging and mapping of our archaeological site. Everyday, as we uncovered more artifacts and levels they would take precise measurements and images and stitch them together to make really neat 3-D images. If you are interested in this kind of data you can find more information in this article.
Center for Digital Archaeology Home Page
2. The second thing I would like to share this week is a German music video that I recently discovered. I have been so in love with their music, even if I cannot totally understand them. Give them a listen if you are feeling adventurous. I love live music, even in a foreign language. 

3. Lastly, this week I want to share with you is a resource I am currently using for a research paper that has to do with cultural heritage in Canada. It is a project started at Simon Fraser University that discusses who ‘owns’’ the culture heritage of the past. Native people?, the government?, archaeologist?. It is a big problem right now in the US and Canada that needs dress which is what I am attempting to do in a paper I am research for this Fall and Spring. If you are interested check out their webpage

Famous Last Words: Week 2

This week was fantastic! I worked ahead for this course an I wrapped up Week 3! It feels good to stay ahead of classes like this!

I finished reading the second week of Ramayana: Public Domain Version. The readings went really well. At first, I was having trouble understand the readings, after the first week I changed from reading them myself to listening to the while following along. This greatly increased my reading comprehension and made the stories so much better. I really love how the whole story line stitches together. I also found the reading to be enjoyable independantly. I think my favorite reading this week the episodes were Hauman, the monkey god, goes to Lanka to save Sita. I found these episodes to be very descriptive and stimulating conceptually. To go along with this I think my best writing this week came from Week 3: Storytelling as I retold the story how Hauman saving Sita. When I first started writing it took me a couple tries to really nail down a good story line, but I think I made it work well!

73rd Plains Anthropology Conference
Outside of this class, my other courses are going pretty good. I am taking my capstone course this semester and in the Anthropology department it is an 8-week, half semester, course. This is pretty unusual for a capstone course and requires fast paced learning and research. My 15 page paper is due in less than 6 weeks now... AHHHH! That is so scary to write down. In other news I was accepted to present my research at the 2015 Plains Anthropology Conference! I am very excited for the upcoming opportunity!
I hope everyone elses semester is going really well!

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Storytelling: Week 3

In this weeks episode of Superheroes and the Stolen Goods:

Last week we learned that James and the Pick Axe gang had stolen grave goods from a 2,000 year old American Indian grave site. The materials from this site are protect by both federal and tribal legislation. the grave goods consisted of pottery, projectile points, and preserved cloth fragments! The items of cultural heritage are irreplaceable and now in possession of the criminal masterminds. James and the Pick Axe gang are planning to resell these items to people who do not understand the laws concerning cultural heritage items.

Archaeologist and political activist Dr. Allen took to the streets to track down these criminals! As he was doing online research trying to find the bandits he came across a craigslist ad that listed some of the many items stolen. He contacted the men who were selling the items and arranged to meet them at a remote warehouse.   

Dr. Allen had finally found the materials he had been searching for, but he was powerless to detain the bandits without help from the local authorities. He decided to wait in the shadows and document the items, so that he may file an official report to the police. From afar he took videos and photographs to document evidence of their criminal activity. The material was stored in a large safe centered in a warehouse. One bright light that hung from the ceiling was concentrated on the safe. Four guards circled the safe constantly. They were big men with tough looking exteriors. One of the men wore a ragged and stained shirt. He face was covered by a black eye patch and his facial expression was fixed in an angered position and another sported a large scar from his left temple down to his ear lobe. The Pick Axe gang was a nearly bunch of dudes! 

Dr. Allen presented the evidence to official and the next day they launched an investigation to recover the stolen items. A hoard of public officials, news anchors, archaeologist and supporting citizens showed up to the warehouse the following day. The grave goods were recovered and returned to the rightful owners!
Hanuman and Sita

Author’s Note: This story is based on the assemblage of stories, but mostly The Ashoka Grove story. This story is who Hanuman, the monkey king, and how he found and rescued Sita in Lanka. It begins with Hanuman going to Lanka in search of Sita, Rama’s wife. After searching he finally finds her at her captor Ravana’s palace. She had been hidden away outside in his palace surrounded and guarded by demons. Humana hides in the shadows and watches as scary looking demons guard her religiously. Eventually, Hanuman is able to get close enough to Sita to rescue her and free her from Ravana’s capture, but Sita does not believe Hanuman is there to save her at first. Sita thought Hanuman is just a ploy by Ravana to try to convince her to marry Ravana. After much conviencing Hanuman is able to successfully release Sita from her captor and return her to her husband. While escaping Hanuman grows as large as a mountain and sets all of Lanka on fire! In my story I used the grave goods, inanimate material of great importance culturally, to represent Sita and the robber to represent Ravana. The archaeologist could be representative as Rama or Hanuman. I chose to use the story of archaeologist because it is my profession and a problem that is very close to me. I also wanted to type my name as Dr. Allen (fictional, but not for long). 

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Reading Diary B: Public Domain Ramayana

Public Domain: Table of Contents

Rama and Lakshmana See Garuda

Indrajit - My Favorite Story (?)

This story is a little hard to follow. It starts with the monkeys causing havoc as the climbed the rakshasas walls and battered the gates yelling "Victory for Rama". The rakshasas began to fight with the monkeys and it became a huge mess! The rakasasas are stronger at night and killed thousands of monkeys. Rama's army began to fight back against Indrajit, but he used his magic to become invisible and "showered deadly wounding arrows upon rama". Rama and other heros were wounded with thousands of arrows and the monkeys gather with sadness.

Indrajit left the battle as the victor and for a time the fighting stopped. Rama seemed to be dead, but he was not. Garuda, a great winged beast came and the arrows fell from the wounded heros and then Garuda held them! Garuda warns Rama to not trust the rakasasas in the battle field anymore because they are cunning. Once Garuda left the monkey's and Rama and Lakshmana advanced toward the gated Lanka.

Rama Crowned King

It was a happy day in Ayodhya because Rama was going to be crowned King! Fourteen years are the fighting began. Rama sat on his fathers throne and they began a ritual. First they took sacred water from all distant streams and oceans... all of them. The water was poured by holy priest on the consecrated king. Rama had jewels placed on his head and fragrance at his feet. Music began and Men in all nations hailed Rama as their “lord and rites king!” The land was right again and everyone was happy. People, Plants and Animals were all joyous and prosperous under the new king!

Reading Diary A: Public Domain Ramayana

For this reading diary I am combing how I traditionally take notes with how I took notes during week 2’s reading diary B. Here it goes.

41. The monkey king, Sugriva, sent Hanuman the monkey-god to disguise himself and approach Rama and Lakshmana.
42. The monkey king ask Rama to fight Vali in battle.
43. Wife of Vali, begs him not to go to battle with Rama.
44. Vali goes to battle with Rama and dies
46. The monkey king promises to now help Rama find Sita, who was stolen by Ravana. Due to the exile, but Rama must wait until the end of the rainy season. Rama cannot enter a city. Rama’s lament is basically him saying he has a lot of pain because Sita is gone. It is actually a really sweet and sad read. 
47. Rama is upset with the Monkey king for his inaction to help him find Sita. The monkey king then sends an army of monkeys and bears, in all different directions, to find Sita. They searched everywhere!
48. The army headed south discoveries that they are headed in the right direction to find Sita!
49. Tragic short story of how Sampati, the bird that tried to save Site from Rama, lost his ability to fly.
51. Hanuman, the monkey god, enters the city of Lanka in search of Sita. He soon finds Ravana’s palace and Ravana sleeping, but no Sita. :-(
52. Hanuman wanders around the palace until he finds the Ashoka grove. He then found Sita. Demons surrounded her, some with fearsome heads.
53. Hanuman, the monkey god, hides in the trees and watches as Ravana tries to persuade Sita to denounce her lover Rama and take Ravana as her new husband. When she refused, Ravana tells the Rakshasis to “break her will”.
54. The monkey god keeps watch over Sita. It was hard to talk to her in secret. When Hanuman finally meets Sita she think he is Ravana in deceitful form. But he convinces her he is truthful. 
55. Oh no!!! Hanuman is captured...
Vibishana Leaves Lanka and Joins Rama
56. Hanuman divulges his secrets about being a part of Ramas envoy. Hanuman tells Ravana to give up and surrender. Ravana wanted to kill Hanuman, but urged by his counsellors sets the monkey gods tail on fire... :-(
57. The monkey god sets fire to all of Lanka because he receives help from his lord. 
58. Sugriva ordered everyone to march on Lanka and attack!!!!
59. Ravanas councel backs Ravana in the decision to go to war with Rama
60. Vibishana, Ravans brother, does not agree with Ravana about going to war with Rama and leaves to join Rama.