Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Storytelling Week 6: Departing with Smiles

The great war of the worlds three had finally come to the end. King Andrew had successfully defeated his foes in an attempt to rescue the people he cared for most. When order was finally restored to the Kingdom of Bombay, King Andrew returned to his hometown shining with newly gained metals of honor and pins of gratitude. Months passed by and King Andrew took to his normal daily routines including, taking care of his dog, washing his horses and running his farm.

Lord Andrews partner passed away during the war from congestive heart failure. King Andrew, a kind and good ruler, felt that he could no longer run the Kingdom of Bombay efficiently for his subjects. With a heavy heart he began planning how he would leave the kingdom. He wanted to leave it in the hands of someone who would be better suited to keep his subjects as happy as possible. It took many months of preparation to completely execute his plan.

Yudhishthira’s Journey in Afterlife
First, he purchased a small cottage between a quaint lake and a dense forest. He decided that is where he want to live out the rest of his life. Second, he thought whom he would have as heir to his throne. He did not have any living relatives, nor did he have any deserving friends. Instead he held a public competition to find the most fair person in his kingdom. A young lad by the name of Timothy won the competition and was announced as heir to the throne. The next day, King Andrew faked his death as a tragic riding accident and slipped away into the woods without anyone to notice. King Timothy did a wondrous job in the Kingdom of Bombay. When the old King became curious he would put on tattered clothing and go to the capital city. there he would look upon his former kingdom with happiness, he knew he had done what was best for his people.

Authors Note: This story was based on the Mahabharata Public Domain Edition - The Pandavas Depart. After winning the war between foes Karna and Duryodhana, the Pandavas brothers and Draupadi were told by a sage that their time to rule the kingdom was over. The kingdom was divided among various people who helped in the army and they were counseled on how to live peacefully. The Pandavas brother then cast off their royal garments and walked into the forest never to be seen again. They all died slowly and the Kingdom was left in peace.


  1. It was interesting to read this as if it took place in medieval western Europe. I felt a lot of familiarities reading the Mahabharata similar to that of King Arthur. It would be interesting to see two of the heroes, King Arthur and Arjuna square off with each other and see who is the greater warrior. I also appreciated the happier spin of the ending you did. I found the end of the Mahabharata to be a bit depressing.

  2. Hi Christian! I think the story you've got is a really good basis for what could be a really great story. It would be nice to see a bit more specific details about some parts; for example, what was this competition exactly? How did King Timothy do a wondrous job? It would help build the story and pull the reader in more if you added some of these details.
