Sunday, August 30, 2015

Growth Mindset - Meme Galore - Week 2

Image from Automotivator
For this assignment I created a MEME about growth mindset. On the image I wrote. I know I am not the best, but I am still learning. It is a picture of a puppy bulldog... My favorite animal! I think the idea of this meme is particularly powerful for people in grade school, but is also highly relevant to people in college and outside of school in the work place. Day in and day out we see people with amazing talents and abilities, but I often find myself forgetting that it probably took them many years of hard work and practice to get there. I think young school kids in elementary school up to high school should be continually reminded that no you are not the best, but guess what? No one started out that way! You become the best by working and working hard. As I discussed in my first Growth mindset post. The problem right now is that we are not encouraging students to understand that we cannot judge ourselves based on others around us. Everyone has their own way of learning and their own pace to do it. I wish we could reform public schooling and have a more individualistic approach to learning. These kids are not machines, they are individuals that need individual attention and learning options. The Growth Mindset project seems to be all about this learning style. If I could say something to kids that were going through school right now I would tell them... “I know it sucks, but just keep trying. Challenge yourself everyday and you will make it!”


  1. First of all, let me point out that you definitely picked the cutest growth mindset meme! I am such a sucker for bulldog puppies! Your post was really inspiring. I always compare myself to other people, and sometimes it really kills my self-esteem. In my eyes, it seems like everyone is unbelievably intelligent and talented, but you’re right. They are hard-working individuals who have achieved their goals, and I need to give myself credit for the things I have done. I also agree that the growth mindset would be a powerful tool for grade school, yet it still applied to every generation. Whenever I’m feeling down, I’m just going to look at your meme!

  2. I think this is a really good message Christian. A lot of people get discouraged when they see people around them excelling beyond their own abilities.There is definitely a learning curve for everything in life, and it is going to take time before you become sufficient at anything. I also like your individualistic aspirations for education. There was a quote by Einstein or Twain, I can't remember, but its something along the lines of "everyone's a genius, but if you judge a fish on its ability to climb a tree its going to look like a failure".

  3. Awww! I absolutely love the picture of the puppy! I love bulldogs… or any dog. I think your message is very important. If you think about it, it can be applied to everyone. “Best” is a social construct that we create and thus no one is the best because we are all constantly learning every second of the day in some form.

  4. I love the meme you made so much! Even his little face is so enthusiastic! It made me smile, so that's a huge plus. Your post is really motivational to me. I find that my biggest downfall is comparing myself to others. I just have to realize that I just see them as they are now, and not their journey to whatever they have achieved now in the present.
