Friday, August 21, 2015

Curation Week 1: Bookmarking... My Life in a Few Clicks

I feel like this assignment is my forte if you will. I have always been very organized about my coursework and in general. I really like using the organization bookmarks found on Macs. It is useful and very therapeutic to put items where they need to be in the book mark categories. Below I have attached an image of my current bookmarks. Indian Epics is a big one on the list because I know that this course will have a lot of links for content. You can also see that I use bookmarks for articles to read, news, education and other things. I find bookmarking to be a really useful way to organize my space online. I’ve also used curation in online sites like tumblr (curator for 5+ years) where I tag images for future reference. I can literally see how I curated the site five years ago and the organization has not changed. It is a great blogging platform... highly recommended.

My Bookmarks (Personal Photo)

Folders, Folders, Folders! 
I would recommend making as many folders as needed to help organize your desktop/ online profiles.I have found this method of folder, sub-folder, sub-sub-folder, etc. to be the absolute best way to organize school and work material. This is somewhat less effect for social media because they use other methods of organizing space. I have previously used twitter, pintrest and others such social media/ blogging platforms, but currently I use instagram, tumblr, Facebook, and some google+. I am interested in re-using pintrest/ twitter to make a curated space for class. I think these spaces would provide an excellent place for student interaction. 


  1. That is so cool that you are into Tumblr, Christian! I've tried it and there are some things that I really like about it (I love the templates with the "random" option)... and the Known thing for class is kind of like a Tumblr in the way that the comments get shared through the system, likes, etc. I will be curious what you think of Known if you give it a try!

    And listen, do you use a feed reader, or just bookmarks? I didn't write about it for this assignment, since I really wasn't sure if people would be interested in feed readers, but I use, and that's how I keep track of all the blogs I follow, and also Twitter and even Google+ and Facebook too. It's pretty cool! If you're looking just for something to play around with (esp. if you don't use a feed reader already), Inoreader is super powerful. I use it to keep up with all the blogs for class! Well, or try to, ha ha.

    1. I saw that you had incorporated Known, but I have not yet had the opportunity to explore what it is. And I don’t use a feed reader, but I might give Inoreader a try. I’ve been looking for a way to organize some blogs I follow. Typically two-four at a time, maybe this will allow me to expand to more blogs! :)

    2. I am such a blogoholic, so I don't even know how many feeds I have. But these classes alone are almost 100 feeds, and Inoreader manages all that really easily, just like email with all kinds of rules and folders. For not so many feeds, Feedly is probably the better one; it has a lot more different viewing options. Inoreader is the powerhouse, but Feedly is much nicer to look at. :-)
