Sunday, November 8, 2015

Week 11: Famous Last Words

This week has been another rollercoaster. It seems like every week I expect the week to be better than the last, but it just keeps getting worse... What gives! Hopefully it all ends soon. I can only hope.
This week I have done two different readings. I thought the readings went really well, and I like both of them. I best remember the stories about Buddha’s life. It was very interesting to hear about the mythology of how Buddha came to gain ultimate knowledge and how he refused to go to Nirvana because he wanted to tell the people of his wisdom and to follow him.

I think my best writing for this week was my storytelling post. I really enjoyed retelling the story of Buddha’s life even though it may not have been the best ending for Buddha. I thought this was really excellent to read the life of Buddha and be able to retell this in my own words! I have also encountered some really cool projects from other people this week.

My other classes this week are going pretty good. I am down to 9 hours now of course work, but it feels like a huge course load. I am excited though because this course, my online course is almost over. There have been no apparent connections between my coursework this week and my other other classes. It is funny because almost every semester I usually feel a connection with my other classes. Good news this week though, I have officially enrolled in my last semester here at the University of Oklahoma. I will be graduating in May and moving onto a PhD program!

Looks like everything is going to turn out just fine!

University of Oklahoma (Image Source


  1. Hi Christian Allen. I am with you on this post. Each week seems to be getting busier and busier. I wish there was just one week where my coursework would let up so I have a break. Your storytelling for this week was good. This class is very enjoyable but it is a lot of work. I am also almost done with it and then I will have more time to spend on my other classes.

  2. Hi Christian,
    I know exactly what you mean. Every week gets worse than the previous weeks. It has been hard with the midterms for me. I hope at least the next week will be better for you since midterms are over. When I get some time, I would really like to read your storytelling. I really like the picture of OU you provided in your post.
